10 Great Astology Articles About The Full Moon in Leo-Aquarius July 2015

A collection of great posts about the Full Moon in Leo-Aquarius in July 2015. Click on the links to read the full articles.

by Robert Wilkinson
"This stabilizing, detached, and specializing Full Moon illuminating patterns occurs at 3:34 am PDT, 6:34 am EDT, 11:34 am BST July 31, and falls at the 8th degree of Leo and Aquarius. As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus through what you began to embrace in August and September 2014..."

by Robert Wilkinson
"This consolidating, dynamically expressive, future oriented Full Moon at 8 Leo-Aquarius will shake things up in some very unique and favorable ways! Here we take the faith we’ve been learning or demonstrating since the New Moon and use it to bring a new openness to our ideas and interactions..."

by Robert Wilkinson
"This Lunation ushers in a time of gifts, unique blessings and circumstances, and serendipity, but also emotional heaviness that may or may not be related to what’s actually going on. There will be honors for some, difficult returns for others, and a new contact with Divine Mother energy for those who can see how the trees fit within the larger pattern of the forest..."

Blue Moon In Aquarius: Balancing Self-Expression With Collective Needs
by Carmen Di Luccio
"Full Moons are a time where we feel challenged by working with the energy of two opposite signs. In this case it is the polarity of Aquarius and Leo.
Aquarius is associated with collective. It is about friends, networks, associates, peers, and co-workers. Coming together and working with others who share common ideals for the future is an Aquarius outlook on life. Aquarius likes both technology and science, especially if used for the betterment of humanity.
Leo, which is the opposite of Aquarius, is associated with the creative self-expression of an individual as opposed to the intellect of group energy. It likes to perform, create, lead, or compete. Leo wants to shine and receive praise for its achievements..."

by Kelly Rosano
"There is an awesome Aquarius Full Moon on July 31. There are no challenging aspects to this Moon. Yeah! This is good news. It is a party Moon. The Sun is in fun loving Leo. Celebrate your life. Celebrate your gains. Celebrate your success. Even the little wins count. The Aquarius Full Moon is the second Full Moon in July. This makes it a Blue Moon. Once in a Blue Moon, you can make your dreams come true...."
Full moon in Aquarius- Embracing Spaciousness and Change
by Divine Harmony
"The full moon in aquarius is exact on Friday July 31st at 3:43am PDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in Cancer on july 15th (the day that NASA did the Pluto flyby). that new moon was square uranus and this full moon is in uranus-ruled aquarius- so the rebel, revolutionary and Great Awakener features prominently throughout this lunar cycle... "

Full Moon in Aquarius - July 31st, 2015
by Reviving Air
"The Aquarius jolt means waking up to amazing truths and possibilities. It's one of those rare peaks where you can see far, and imagine something way different. Once you imagine it -- spot it there on the far horizon -- you can set your sights on that lofty vision. The polar dance is with sunny Leo, and that revives courage, and the will to be fully who you are. It's time for a breakthrough into the strange, but exhilarating unknown."

The Full Moon July 31 is at 7ยบ Aquarius in Aquarius Decan 1 Mad Professors & Visionary Upgraders. Rulers: Venus & Saturn Deity: Dike. (Spirit of moral order.)
by Darkstar Astrology 
"This Full Moon is a visionary, forever chasing new horizons. As it hovers above the clouds, the Moon is free to catch an innovative idea from the ether. It works like an antenna, picking up insights brewing in the collective consciousness. This is a futuristic Moon at the cutting edge of change. It can see far into the distance, but finds it quite difficult to live in the here and now.

This Full Moon is quick to swoop down onto a novel idea too, its fast processing mind can rustle up an article or prototype at a moments notice. This boffin Moon responds well to tight deadlines and working under pressure. But with this Moon we can too often shut ourselves away in our ivory towers. Here we can create great utopias but must make sure we conduct research at ground level."

Jul.31 – FULL MOON in AQUARIUS (07:55 of Aquarius)
by Evolvingdoor
"Reach for the stars! This is a time to fly above the atmosphere and set your spirit free! Open your mind to the great possibilities of your time. This is not a time to be trivial, trifling or trapped in your ego.
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? The trouble is there are powerful forces keeping you close to the ground, limited in your scope, and painfully aware of the sacrifices involved if you do move beyond that scope.

It might feel like you're in a test designed to see how dedicated you are to your transpersonal growth. Indeed, there are reasons behind all components of this Full Moon in Aquarius, be they limiting or liberating, and they all play a crucial role."

By Amanda Painter
Imagine you are focused intently on making your car fit into a tight parallel-parking space. You get it partway in, but maybe your approach wasn’t quite right. At a certain point, you realize that going back and forth at the same angle isn’t getting you where you want to go.

You need more wiggle room. But the other cars are not going to give it to you. The curb is not going to give it to you. Even your own car is not going to give it to you.

You are the only one who can give yourself more wiggle room — and you do that by pulling out and realigning, giving yourself space and perspective.


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