A Plutonian Welcome to Tips and Tricks
After an intense Pluto transit to my Midheaven, I found myself suddenly torn away from 15 years of building up a 5000+ clientele in a foreign land. After many years of being in the trenches of daily astrology readings, after finally feeling I had “astrology” under my belt and had won my Medal of Honor, I was, not so gently, torn away by a series of very strange events, (events I would have never even imagined or predicted) and was catapulted back to my native land of New York City.
After four months in this old-new land, I glanced at my Solar Fire program sitting on my desktop, and I wondered, “Can I still read?”
Fortunately, I lost my passport. A quick horary chart to the rescue, and that Mercury sandwiched between some planets in the third house, guided me straight to the stack of papers where my passport serendipitously hid. I took it as a sign that “I still had it!”
I could feel the creaking cogs in my brain slowly turn back to Astrology channel 98.6 FM. I etherically tried to pull out my rusty antennas to get a clearer picture, and zap! There it was...a crystal clear picture of the cosmos, telling me where I misplaced my passport. I was tuned in and turned on to that Universal Astrology station once again.
Since Pluto so thoroughly wiped my slate clean of endless phone calls for readings, (something I may thank Him for at some later time), I am faced with starting over again; this time,(whether I wanted to or not), in a new way. In the spirit of all things Plutonian, I will take what has been left remaining (a small (Pluto) burning core astrological experience in my Mind and Soul), and recycle it. In the “spirit” of Pluto, I will distill a magical elixir of “tips and tricks” to share on a level Pluto so intently asks for: Pluto’s level is “mass-anything”, mass communication, mass consciousness, mass transit, to name a few.
So, dear Pluto, a small planet with a big punch, (and my first political statement: “Size does NOT matter!”; I hope this blog satisfies you and those you want to reach, and I wish this blog-distillation be a vibrational elixir that will educate those wanting this knowledge of their Matrix blueprints and give them the ability to decipher the code more easily, so they can have a more exciting and pleasant journey in this 3-D space and time.
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