Lunar Eclipse 2010-2011: Predictions for all 12 zodiac signs
A lunar eclipse and a long winter solstice night make for one very long dark night…of the soul. An event that hasn’t taken place since 1648 and won’t again until 2094. These predictions are for the effect of this eclipse over the next 6 months. It is a significant eclipse in that it is points to a harvest and/or culmination of the last few years of experience and this finality is compounded by the Moon and Sun’s position in an Anaretic degree which is the last degree of a sign at 29 Gemini. An Anaretic degree points to an issue that must be address this lifetime and one that must be absorbed completely. If the issue is not processed, the effect creates a type of dissolution and disintegration with inertia taking the upper hand. If it is processed, the Being will rearrange itself into a more intelligent system. The eclipse’s total phase lasted for 72 minutes. The penumbral eclipse began at 05:29:17 Universal Time and the partial eclipse started at 06:32:37 UT. The total eclipse began at...