Quick and easy astrology reports to earn money on your website!


Intrepid Astrology Software is built from the ground to the sky to be as easy and user-friendly as possible without sacrificing the go-to techniques that most astrologers rely on.

If you’re new Report Writers, these add-ons to Intrepid Software empower you to generate custom reports for anyone born anywhere at anytime. They are great ideas for increasing revenue quickly and easily from your website.

The secret is to select only those reports that are well-written by professionals. Their report writers are written by AFA President, Stephanie J. Clement who is skilled both in excellence of interpretations and clear writing style.

Built natively into Intrepid, each Report Writer can be easily printed on paper or electronically (ie, pdf). They have also built unique features into some of the reports, such as the ability to include or exclude keywords. Keywords are perfect for astrology students and great for the professional astrologer who sell reports to their clients and/or students.

For your customers and clients, every Report Writer gives you the power to generate unlimited reports for any individual, location, organization or group with the highest flexibility and deepest insight.

The line of interpretation report writers meets the highest standards of quality of interpretation and clarity of writing style. Intrepid works with top astrologers who’s unique insights and interpretive skill have proven themselves with their clients and students over many years. The result for you is the assurance that all Intrepid report writers will deliver meaningful and pertinent interpretations.

For astrologers and those with an astrology-based website, their report writers are super easy to generate for your clients and customers. They have also innovated the ability to simultaneously run several reports for a custom time period as well as the exclusive ability to auto-combine multiple reports into one, chronologically-ordered report!
















Read a sample Neptune transit report for Oprah Winfrey
Read a sample Pluto transit report for Tiger Woods
Read a sample Uranus report for Thomas Jefferson



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