Ancient astrology secrets by Abraham ibn Ezra
"The stars in a sextile aspect are like two individuals who seek each other's love." 120 Aphorisms for Astrologers By Abraham ibn Ezra (fl. ca. 1140-1160, mainly in Italy and France) 1 Because the Moon is near the Earth and accelerated in its course, it increases the conjunction of planets by communicating its force to them without ever receiving any force from them; it transfers brilliancy from one to the other; it corresponds to the new-born in that its beams develop gradually until they are full, and afterwards it declines gradually until it is no longer visible and disappears from the world. That is why the ancients said that it influences every deliberation and the beginning of any task. If it is in its ascendancy and its circumstances are favourable, anything which one may start at that moment will meet with success, and contrariwise if it is in the unfavourable circumstances. They added that, for the asker, you should observe the ascending sign wit...