Understanding Natal Charts
I didn’t mention this in the first lesson, because no one ever pays attention to this part of the lesson, and snores if this is taught in the first class; so I gave a somewhat juicier tidbit for the first couple blog posts. It’s easier to learn what this circle is, if we start with a chart for normal 24 hour day and NOT your personal chart just yet. In the center of this precious circle is the Earth (see image), and you are standing on it. From where you are standing, it will appear as if the Sun moves around the Earth. Well, as we said in the previous blog post, “That circle is a snapshot of our consensus reality as viewed from EARTH, and not just the entire Earth, but it is a snapshot of how everything appeared (in our 3D consensus reality) from the exact point on Earth the moment you were born.” For our example here, we are waking up at Sunrise. The horizontal line in this circle actually represents… (look at the word for a clue)… the horizon, from where you are standing on the Eart...