Know the Playing Field

We tend to forget the 360° circle we call a Chart is actually a representation of a “field of activity” in this 3D reality. It’s just one field of many, but it is “the field” most Astrologers focus on. This is the "stage" we agreed to embody in when we are in physical incarnation "default mode."

What is the basic outlay of this field? What is the consensus reality agreement according to most astrologers?

Well, this pizza pie space and time field is first cut up into two sections:

We agree that if a person is born with a lot of planets and activity going on, on the top half (Blue); their souls want to express in the outer world more than concentrate on inner work. You are going to advise them on how to be more effective in the outer world with whatever amount of realization or not they have about themselves. Specifically, "whatever they came in with;" they should live out to the nth degree in the outer world.

If the person has a lot of activity and planets going on in the bottom half (Red), you are going to generally advise this soul to focus on inner development and the basic core lessons of being Human. You will advise them on how to download and process as much information as possible in this incarnation about how to be a more complete Self with an organized and rich inner life, a healthy Ego and skills on how to create and survive here in 3D by perfecting "the vehicle."

Of course, it’s rare to have a complete ”innie” or “outtie.” But, this is the basic picture.


  1. Thanks for putting this site up... it's good to see someone doing something like this.

    The basics are usually (excruciatingly) boring to read through... This is interesting and fresh.


    P.S. First comment! :)

  2. Thank you Rob for the encouragement!

    I will never forget this first comment :)

    Great timing too, with Mercury, Sun & Jupiter Rising!

    Warmest regards,



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