The Astrological 1st Decanate Mars Pluto Trick

Technorati Profile

If the planets, Ascendant and Midheaven are mostly in the 1st Decanates, you can tweak your interpretation of a clients design, and lean towards a more “physical” analysis.

A person born with such a design is “set-up” to receive the physical elements of the field, so try to gear the interpretation and emphasize, how their design endows them with physical skills, physical strength, physical creativity, athletic ability and coordination.

Essentially, a soul with a lot of 1st Decanate activity in any sign has come to represent the physical aspect of the Twelve Laws. They may also have mental and spiritual talents, but the focus this lifetime is on perfecting the expression of the Absolute in it's most physical manifestation.

The planet Mars, is the Planetary Being generally responsible for the reception of physical information in our Solar System.

If you examine the glyph of Mars, it is a cross + or ↗ (which symbolizes physical materiality) above the circle (o) (which symbolizes Spirit); so, it would be wise to also look to Mars’ relationship to the particular 1st Decanate planets by sign and house, to get a even more detailed understanding of the dynamics.

Of course, never forget Pluto, (Mars’ Higher Octave and the reason why Mars rules Scorpio as well), and his aspects to the 1st Decanate planet. Pluto transforms the physical power into a Spiritual power capable of influencing the physical realm.


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