The Astrological 2nd Decanate Mercury Uranus Trick

If the planets, Ascendant and Midheaven are mostly in the 2nd Decanates, you can tweak your interpretation of a clients design, and lean towards a more “mental” analysis.

A person born with a 2nd Decanate emphasis is “set-up” to receive the mental elements of the field, so try to filter your interpretation by emphasizing they are here to perceive, observe and communicate through concepts and share their mental perceptions more than anything else.

They are usually gifted with agile and probing minds, logic, extra-sensory abilities and flashes of insight.The planet Mercury is the Planetary Being generally responsible for the reception and transmission of mental influences in our Solar System.

If you examine the glyph of Mercury ( ), it is a cross + (which symbolizes physical materiality) with a circle (o) (which symbolizes Spirit) and a crescent above the circle which symbolizes the soul. It is almost like spirit opens its soul antennas to bring down information into physical reality.

Since Mercury will be an important indicator of this person’s purpose and inclination, it would be wise to also look at Mercury’s placement in the Natal chart and Mercury’s relationship to the particular 2nd Decanate planets by sign and house to get an even more detailed understanding of the dynamics. The house placement will give you even more nitty-gritty details about “where” in a person’s life these influences tend to create events in the person’s life. So, this is a cool trick.

Of course, let’s not forget Uranus, (Mercury’s Higher Octave), and his aspects to the 2nd Decanate planets and placement in the Natal chart. Uranus reaches into the Higher Mental Realms and transmits through flashes of insight, downloads upgrades from the cosmic computer for the full utilization of our Minds.

See also: The Astrological 1st Decanate Mars Pluto Trick
and The Astrological Decanate's Trick


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