Astrology: The Himalaya Wonder Wheel or Thibetian Periscope

An ingenious compilation of astrologic lore, showing at a glance the Zodiacal Signs, their names, numbers and horoscopal correspondences, the degrees of Zodiac corresponding with yearly calendar; parts of the body and the human characters ruled by the signs, their lordships; the decantes and terms of the signs and their rulers, the clock hours of the day by which horoscopes may be calculated; the planetary hours, and weekday rulers, aspects and angles from the several signs. Years of Life circle; differences in time at various parts of the world; the significances of houses of the horoscope, the elemental nature of signs and houses, the localities of prominent fixed stars, etc.

By use of this wheel, in its full size, any and every problem in Astronomy and Astrology may be more quickly approximated than by any other Theosophic, Astrologic, Spiritual, Bibilical or other systems of Occultism, and is prepared for Teachers, Lecturer, Students or Children as an intense study, or as a simple game of amusement for Kindergarten instructions.

Excerpt from Astrology in a Nutshell by Carl Webber (1902)


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