Astrology: How to deal with squares and trines

Astrology in a Nutshell by Carl Webber
"The Square influences in Astrology are in reality the Sabbitarian periods of life, and governed by the law of 7. For instance 4x7 equals 28, which is the period in days that the Moon from birth invariably takes to return to the place it occupied when a human being is born.

This Moon motion is an epitome of the motion of all the other bodies in the heavens, each of which have their septinarian period in their own spheres and these periods are the squares.

They warn us to rest at such times. By resting we may overcome all serious effects of the squares. "Remember the seventh day (or period) and keep it holy." The system needs rest, not all of the system at the same time, but that sphere which the square affects, and not all of that sphere, but only such parts or matters as are governed by the planet that afflicts.

As mortals we are uneasy to get out of our orbits. The trine influences open paths to us of least resistance, and permit us to go therein, to the extent of our rope; at such times our will is free.

They are immediately followed by the squares, which cry us "Halt!" As willful and rebellious mortals we persist in pursuing our will-o'-the-wisp, and sickness or trouble surely follows. There is no exception to this law, but by peculiar placement of planets in the lives of some, there are planets in trine when others are in square, and these permit some people (deemed fortunate) to pass through planetary- conditions which others are not permitted to do."

Excerpt from Astrology in a Nutshell by Carl Webber (1902)


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