Taurus zodiac sign: Business and work traits and characteristics

Taurus: You are best qualified tor some business sphere or worldly enterprise in which your natural business intuitions or ways and means to ends may have full play. In all business tendencies, you possess a strongly conquering turn of mind, and will in general, be disposed to "fight it out on that line if it takes all summer."

You are strongest under your own intuitional guidance, and ordinarily you will have your own way. when superior influences are not overpowering You live to save, and you save in order to be able to carry out your own will whenever the opportunity is offered.

TAURUS is, in nature, similar to that of an afflicted Venus: Loving worldly possessions beyond the natural supply. Determination is engendered to overcome the deficiency.

Excerpt from Astrology in a Nutshell by Carl Webber (1902)


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