Astrologer's Tip: Zodiac and planetary body part rulers and the aura

The Twelve signs probably correspond to the aura (the cloud, or luminous mist which surrounds the man).  The ascending sign might be taken to represent the physical body, and the Moon that which is now known as the "etheric" or the body drawn from the ether upon which the physical body is built; the planets Mars and Venus as representatives of the "astral" or desire body; Saturn and Mercury the mind body, and Jupiter what is known as the casual body or vehicle of the individuality. The various grades of matter, or the conditions through which the ego normally functions, are supposed to be indicated by the divisions of the signs into the groups of fire, air, earth and water- the fiery signs giving the finest ethers, the air the mental or "devachanic", the watery the "astral" matter, and the earthly the physical.

Aries governs the head and face.
Taurus, the neck and throat.
Gemini, the chest, lungs and extremities.
Cancer, breasts and stomach.
Leo, heart and back.
Virgo, the bowels and intestines.
Libra, the reins and kidnets
Scorpio, the secret parts
Sagittarius, the thighs.
Capricorn, the knees.
Aquarius, ankles and blood.
Pisces, feet

Photo credit: Man with signs of the zodiac on his body, 1486 (British Library)


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