Astrology and Stock Market Analysis by Raymond A. Merriman

Raymond A. Meriman is an American professional astrologer since 1968, a publisher, author and commodities specialist. He founded the Aquarian Revelation Center in 1972, Seek-It Publications in 1977, and the Merriman Market Analyst in 1981. His books include "The Gold Book," published in 1982.

Merriman received a B.S. in psychology in 1969 and did post-graduate work to 1971. He is an international lecturer on both financial market cycles and astrology. In conjunction with AstroCybernetics, he has developed two financial astrological software programs. He is well-trained in the ways of Wall Street, having been a guest contributor on the Financial News Network and having served as an Investment Executive and Accounts Vice President with financial investment companies.

He is president of The Merriman Market Analyst Inc. In 1995 he served as the President of ISAR and won the Regulus Award for Enhancing Astrology's Image in April 1995.

Working from the premise that all human activity works in conjunction with certain immutable laws of time and space, The Merriman Market Analyst (MMA) utilizes advanced research techniques to uncover patterns and trends that you can use to understand the present; and, from this method of understanding, gain valuable insight into the future. Successful investing is predicated on having access to the most reliable information available.

The Merriman Market Analyst (MMA) provides advanced tools for acquiring such information. These tools integrate a combination of cycles, geocosmic signatures and trend analysis patterns in assisting the serious investor in their interpretation of the various financial markets and the general economy. In today's fast paced and seemingly chaotic marketplace, you need the edge that only a broader analysis of human activity can provide.

Visit  Merriman Market Analyst (MMA)

Excerpt from a past subscription service report for January 2014:

"As we enter 2014, most financial institutions and “experts” are forecasting a year of solid economic growth and stock market rises of 8-12%. However, with Uranus as the midpoint of the Jupiter-Pluto opposition, and with Venus, Mercury, and then Mars going retrograde December 21, 2013 through May 20, 2014, the study of Financial Astrology suggest otherwise. Nothing goes as planned under Uranus or these retrogrades. In fact, they often reverse and go the opposite way. Therefore, it might be wise to allow for  the possibility that many  major economies of the world enter into a recession, and not growth, and that stock markets will end the year with losses, not gains – even if they first rise substantially prior to the end of April. Under Uranus, markets can rise sharply and then fall just as sharply. Strong Uranus aspects correlate with bubbles, and then pricks of the bubble. In the USA, we are also now in the time band when 4-year cycle troughs tend to occur. That is, they have about a 70% correlation to 4-year bottoms 16-25 months after the USA presidential election. The election was in November 2012. Thus, 16-25 months later brings us to March-December 2014."

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Evolutionary Astrology
Journey of Soul Through States of Consciousness
by Raymond Merriman

A beautifully written book on the evolution of individual consciousness as seen through astrological principles. The reader is taken on an incredible journey that starts with the natal angles, moves into a profound and insightful discussion of transits of the North Node and Saturn over these angles and angular midpoints. It then culminates with an integration of the individual chart with major astrological patterns influencing the world community.

The New Solar Return Book of Prediction
by Raymond Merriman

The standard reference book on Solar Returns, now expanded.

"If Solar Returns appeal to your curiosity, Merriman's book is certainly one of the best guides available" - F. Richard Nolle, Horoscope Magazine.


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