Astrology blog Darkstar Astrology with Marina

Marina @Darkstar is a self taught astrologer and illustrator based in London. UK. 20 years of working with symbols and archetypes form the foundation of her astrological approach. Her technique for reading charts uses the tropical zodiac divided into decans.

The fixed stars within those decans determine how the archetype of the zodiac sign is filtered out through the persona while the aspect patterns in ones birth chart represent the geometry of the soul. She likes to blend the ancient with the ultra – modern, like Chiron, the bridge between Saturn and Uranus. Her stellium in Aquarius is futuristic like Uranus, but its ancient ruler is Saturn.

She has Chiron opposite Uranus exact and it squares her AC by a degree.  The name of the site Darkstar itself an oxymoron. It describes her approach to astrology and life in general. She focuses on the Moon phases because of their importance in keeping us connected with mother earth and its cycles.  The fixed stars take us away from the earth and into another dimension, but it’s important to keep a balance between the heavens and the earth. That’s why the Sol/Lunar relationship is so important to her work.

Here's an excerpt from her 2014 forecast

"July 1 Mercury direct in time for July 15‘s juicy Mars/Ceres/North Node conjunction on Spica. I propose that Spica is the stellar version of Persephone/Kore/Demeter, which is of course Ceres. If that is not Persephone enough for you, then we get Eris conjunct the South Node.

Demetra George asserts that “Mars-Ceres contacts links the ability to act and be effective in the outer world to subconscious images of self worth.”  There are two possibilities for this aspect. One could channel it into defending the weak and innocent, as this aspect is fiercely protective. But negatively this aspect can represent having ones creativity and independent thinking completely stifled by a parent or authority figure.

Put this together with the Nodes would mean that one would utterly need to become autonomous (or one is fated to help others become autonomous) in order to get back on track with their life. Eris on the South Node brings in collective karma relating to the suppression and abuse of the sacred feminine. Mars opposite Eris on the south Node could be about addressing thousands of years of war against nature, it’s cycles, sexuality and our wilder instinctive drives"

See more of her great writing at 


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