Global astrology predictions - Malaysian Airline Flight MH370 by Jagdish C. Maheshri, Ph.D

Jagdish C. Maheshri, Ph.D. is a chemical engineer who has been pursuing his interest in astrology since 1966. He has analyzed and interpreted more than 12,000 horoscopes and has been researching astrology as a science for nearly thirty five years. He has discovered a method by which he can accurately time a prediction, the unique Ninefold Progression technique, which can be applied to both the natal and progressive horoscope charts of an individual. He has explained the technique and its application in detail in his book, "It's all in Timing".

He believes that the very nature in which astrology affects an individual has kept it from being universally accepted. Because it is very easy for a normal individual to become overwhelmed with astrology to the extent that the individual loses control of his or her life by literally becoming a slave of astrology. But when used as guidance, astrology becomes a blessing. It allows a person to enrich and enhance his life by helping uncover his hidden talents and abilities, it further helps him discover who he or she is, and even helps provide meaning to life.

As a professional astrologer with over 35 years of practice, he convincingly explained the nature of rapid evolutionary human growth, especially in the area of technical fields in last couple of centuries through the influence of planetary motions on our collective human conscious.

According to him, astrology never solves your problems. It's you who solve them! But you can benefit from astrology when you consider it as a means of personal guidance, a source of second opinion, or a way of confirming things that you already have some idea about. It certainly can be treated as a science of preventive maintenance through the insight it provides us to understand our weaknesses, strengths, capabilities and limitations; and the dynamic nature of our life. Having some guidance about our natural aptitudes, capabilities, and limitations, astrology certainly provides an opportunity to improve our chances of making best life choices and set right life goals. With the help of knowledge of favorable as well as not-so-favorable periods an individual can use that knowledge to his or her advantage to achieve most in life.

He presented his research paper, "Earthquake Prediction Model," at the Baltimore NCGR conference. He practices, teaches, and conducts workshops in Vedic astrology; appears on radio; and hosts his website: His current research interests include natural and man-made calamities, political global events, world economy, and spiritual human evolution. His article, "The Importance of the Ninefold Chart in Vedic Prediction," appeared in the 2008 NCGR Journal.

Excerpt from his book:

It's All in Timing
"What I'm fascinated with most about astrology is the possibilities it offers at the collective human experience level. It has the ability to foresee the steps of human evolution. For instance, the exponential technological growth that has occurred in this century certainly affects the way we live today. From a global evolution standpoint, we as human beings definitely have been transformed to a different (and perhaps a much higher) level during this century. The rapid evolutionary growth can be convincingly explained perhaps only through astrology by understanding the influence of planetary motions on our collective human consciousness. Further, with the aid of astrology, the future of human evolution can be predicted, and to some extent, it can provide us the opportunities to avoid pitfalls and use our energies in a positive and harmonious manner to realize the full growth of our collective human consciousness.

You are completely mislead if you believe that astrology will solve all your personal problems. It's my belief that you can benefit from astrology only when you consider it as a means of personal guidance, a source of second opinion, or a way of confirming things that you already had planned. Do not ever let astrology control your life!"

From his website:
About the Malaysian Airline Flight 370

"This is what was posted last month (March 31)..... With the north lunar node (Rahu) and the retrograde Mars within 5 degrees in sidereal Libra along with the exalted Saturn and Moon, we enter the Spring Equinox of 2014. The mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian flight 370 (Rahu + retrograde Mars in air sign Libra) on Saturday, March 8 (soon after Mars and Saturn turned retrograde) is intriguing. The nature of the retrograde Mars, Rahu and the retrograde Saturn means a possible tragedy in air (accidents?). Did the plane crashed over sea? Considering the planetary picture, none of these planets connected to water sign…and therefore, it doesn’t seem likely that the plane crashed over waters. Did it crash over land? Only if the mystery gets solved before the Mars become direct. If the mystery is not solved by the time Mars becomes direct (May 20) then it’s possible that survivors of that flight (at least some of them) might be found.

Update...... As of now no trace of the plane or bodies. Nobody knows what happened to the plane. Since Mars will be in the earth sign Virgo, it seems either the mystery gets solved (crashing on land) before May 20 or we may be looking at the surprise of "the survivors of that flight". We just have to wait and see...

Update..(May 31) May 20 has passed. No news yet. Since Mars is going to be in sidereal Virgo till July 14....until then the possibility of the surprise of "the survivors of that flight" exists.

Read his June forecasts


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