Astrology Tips: Primary Directions from ancient and modern sources
From classical antiquity throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and even into the twentieth century, all the great names of western astrology, Dorotheus and Ptolemy, Masha.allah and Abu Ma.shar, Regiomontanus and Placidus, Morin de Villefranche, Naibod, Kepler, Tycho de Brahe, Cardan, Maginus, Argol, Gauric, Morin, Sepharial, Alan Leo, Kuehr and William Lilly have all used primary directions as a predictive technique. “The concept behind primary directions is that, in the hours after birth, the diurnal rotation of the celestial sphere brings the planets successively to the eastern horizon, upper meridian, western horizon and lower meridian. The space in time between the moment of birth and the moment of rising, culmination, setting or lower culmination of a planetary body, converted to years of life at the rate of approximately 4 minutes of Sidereal Time to a year of life, yields a prediction which usually corresponds to a major life event consonant with the...